
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Oasis constructioin

Today the contractor came and installed the posts for the new viewing blind. Very exciting! If the metal comes in on schedule it'll get finished this week. Meanwhile, here's the action. That's Mike Gray in the gray shirt. He's the reason this is all happening. He had agreed with the contractor that he would dig the pole holes, so he's working diligently, tweaking the holes to the contractor's specifications.

Photo by Mike Gray

I'm a worrier so worrying is what I do. But the Lucifer Hummingbird males usually show up before, or with the females, and almost always by March 1st. So here they're ten days late, except for one female. My concern is that the bulk of the Lucifers got caught in the record cold snap and perished, except for a lagging older female. Of course, I'm probably worrying for nothing...

The Peregrines are nesting up on the cliff above the oasis and are very vocal most of the day. Try as I might, I cannot locate one, in flight or perched. A determined birder located one perched today with his scope but, not I.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to share this great picture with you and your readers.
