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Sunday, May 2, 2021

A little recovery time

So much going on that I just spent the last couple days in recovery mode. Now I'm ready to get back to work at the oasis, but can't go down from town for another day yet. My husband has a fit if I go back and forth too often (and of course he wants me in town taking care of his needs) so I try to stick it out in town for 3 consecutive days. It's really difficult because yesterday the oasis got nearly an inch of slow soaking rain and I'd love to enjoy the oasis when it's not powder dry. At least when I do get back there I can watch birds and do other work besides watering.

Several days ago the VENT (Victor Emanuel Nature Tours) group visited. I always enjoy them. Then that same evening I had a ZOOM presentation for the annual Texas Ornithological Society's meeting that was very stressful for me. I felt it was a disaster. So things have been busier than usual, but normal for this time of year.

It seems that people are very interested in the history and such of the oasis so I'm thinking, as much as I don't really want to, I should make a video similar to my ZOOM Power Point presentation that my son could help me with and edit. Then I could post it on YouTube and post links to it. Thinking about it. Maybe a project for next winter. But because of the interest something should be documented for posterity.

Both in Alpine and the oasis nice birds are showing up. Nothing rare. In town the mulberry trees are the big attraction so rarities are a good possibility. That makes town a bit more tolerable.


  1. I personally enjoyed the Zoom presentation immensely. After a year of "on-line" meetings my patience with people having technical problems, my compassion & empathy of them going thru the same learning curve I did has grown a LOT. The important thing was the actual content and pictures of the life long work you have put into transforming the Oasis into a phenomenal place that has great recognition. It was a huge motivation to me to improve my own little place in my own way. Thank you for that and I look forward to a visit one day.

  2. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. It's frustrating to have so much to tell and one hour to do it. I'm thinking about making a two hour presentation and putting it on Youtube for those that are interested. Winter project. I hope you do get to visit.
