
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Big Bear back!

That darned bear came back and some really bad damage. It seemed every conifer tree had some damage. The worst was my poor Papershell Pinyon that the bear snapped in half. So it was about 10 feet tall and now reduced to about 5 feet tall. It took me 20 years to get it that tall. So frustrating!

I don't know why he demolished so many limbs on so many trees. He pulled a tub out from under my pump in the big tank and poked a hole in it for no reason I can come up with. Here are his foot prints. I had my son (shoe size 12) stand beside them for size perspective. 

He seemed to enjoy chewing on the cypress and juniper trees too.

The good news is that the bear didn't bother the hummingbird feeders and didn't tear down the seed feeder. He did try on the seed feeder though. A lot of the spikes on the unwelcome mat were flattened and claw marks all over the greased (now re-greased) pole.

I finished all I could on the new water feature today until Mike installs the solar and pump. Deidre helped me this morning. It was great to have help and get that behind me. It should be bear-proof too.

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