
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A rare treat

I adore baby quail but almost never get to see them long enough to get a photo. Today was my lucky day. Since I was working on the new water feature most of the day (yes, in 100° heat), I guess they got tired of waiting for me to leave the feeder area and came in with me there. There were at least ten chicks because I got that many in this photo but I don't think I ever was able to get a shot with all of them in it. They flittered everywhere too fast.

Mike and Deirdra  came and worked on the water feature for a few hours this morning. They got the plumbing installed and we filled it with water. After Mike patched the bear tear, of course. I'm doing the rock work. Here's how it looked late this afternoon right after a brief shower. Mike has to install the solar and pump before it'll work.

I can't do the back wall yet until that's all installed. So far I haven't used cement. Trying not to. Tomorrow I'm going to sift more gravel to put between the rocks.

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