
Saturday, May 22, 2021

More productive day

Day before yesterday I worked so hard and then didn't like the results, but had to rest and recover yesterday. Today I was good to go plus the weather was great! Not too hot. My help didn't show up but that didn't deter me. I started with the work that didn't suit me....

And made it more to suit me. I think the main problem I have with it is because I'm used to using concrete (colored, of course) to give a more cohesive look. I may end up doing that, but gonna try not to. The first time javelina tear it up, I'll be mixing mortar. (The white looking rocks will all be covered or removed.)

Since I had to come to town this afternoon I watered most of the trees. Really wore myself out but it feels good to have made progress on the water feature. I fully expect to finish the rockwork as soon as Mike gets the liner in place. He's got to patch where the bear tore it. The 8½" tear goes 2-3" down below where the water level will be. That is such a freaky think to have happen. What are the odds!

I'll need help with some of the heavier slabs that I want to put on top.

While I was watering I sat and took photos in between moving the hose. Got a better pic of the chat today. I just love chats. Even got him in a madrone tree.

New oasis species discovered today - Gray Snakeherb (Dyschoriste cinerascens).

I just love living in my "cabin" where I can look out the windows, or new door, and see mountains and the oasis. I'm right where I want to be doing what I want to do. Doesn't get better than that!

PS: I don't think I ever posted a photo of what the new water feature looks like when it's operational. Of course ours will be different but this gives you some idea.

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