
Friday, May 21, 2021

Overdid as usual

Got to the oasis early yesterday morning feeling good. Vertigo gone and actually had some energy. I was tired of the water feature project dragging on and on so decided to work on the retainer wall around it. Before I knew it the temperature was over 100° and I kept thinking just one more rock, etc. Rock work is really hard on my body. So I overdid myself, but that wouldn't bother me if I had been satisfied with the work.

Wasn't to be. When I finished all I could for the day, I walked over to the water feature I had built for my long abandoned cienega.

I liked it so much better, and it goes better with the molded artificial rock on top of the new water feature, that I resolved to undo my work and use the rocks from the cienega.

But early this morning I wasn't up to it. Just couldn't do it. So two wasted days and I have to go back to town tomorrow. A neighbor might come in the morning and dismantle the old water feature and put the rocks by where I'll be using them. And he can help me dismantle yesterday's work. 

However, birders come every morning and the work is near the viewing blind, so that's something I have to take into consideration. Which is one reason I found myself working in the heat of the day yesterday. And wasn't up to starting today since it got as hot faster.

While I was resting, I watched birds for a while. Would you believe that Black-chinned Hummingbird (or a different one) built another nest even closer to the walkway! That means more closed trails. At least it's not the trail to the back water feature so won't be as bad. The nest is among cones (?) eye level, in an Arizona Cypress tree.

The Yellow-breasted Chats at the oasis haven't been vocal this year like they are other places. I guess that's because there's just one pair and they don't have to defend their territory. Not sure why.

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