
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Clinging to shade

This first day of summer brought with it temperatures of 111.°  In desperation I turned on a sprinkler. I couldn't stand watching the birds and trees suffer another minute longer.

The back water drip that is usually cool and shady only has a few leaves above it. It's brutal!

During the heat of the afternoon I accidentally flushed a pair of quail with some newly hatched chicks. They scattered and I think one got left behind and lost forever. At first I tried to shoo it toward the others, but it fled in the opposite direction so I left the area and hoped for the best. Here's the only shot I got of it, if you can even find it in the picture.

The sprinkler brought in everything that's around I think, including this Rufous-crowned Sparrow, which I rarely see.

Lucifer Hummingbirds hanging out in what shade they can find, as well as the Bell's Vireos.

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