
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Watering day

In spite of the oppressive heat (106°) I watered and serviced the feeders today. Rather uneventful bird-wise, but I saw a good dragonfly... first oasis Five-striped Leaftail. I figure if I can get that in this miserable drought time, anything is possible.

Also saw a lovely Questionmark butterfly. There have been hardly any odes and butterflies this year, so every one is a treat.

It was nice to just enjoy the quietude and water trees with no pressing projects to do, or damage to repair. I enjoyed listening to a Yellow-breasted Chat but didn't get a photo. With so few birds, I didn't hassle with carrying my camera around.  


  1. Now that's the ticket. A nice relaxing day at the Oasis.

  2. Yup. It happens so seldom that I really enjoy when it does.
