
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Time flies

I'm going to the oasis tonight so I can get an early start at watering in the morning, before it gets scalding hot. Seems endless these days. It feels like I just watered yesterday. Actually, it was Sunday. Tomorrow will be day 4 and in this heat things need watering twice weekly.

Meanwhile, making the best of being in town. I've been checking out our ponds and also a small lake north of town on Musquiz Creek.

Today I photographed a pair of Double-crested Cormorants there, although they were so far away that it's not a good photo. That's a rather rare sighting for there, so that was fun.

Back at our ponds a pair of Vermillion Flycatchers was busy feeding two just-fledged babies. Also poor photos as they were back in vegetation and all moving fast.

A pair of Curve-billed Thrashers were busily carrying food to nestlings but I didn't want to disturb them so I didn't seek out the nest inside a pine tree.

Yesterday I finally succeeded in photographing a Bell's Vireo here that I think is the Eastern subspecies, as it's got more yellow underneath than our local Bell's do, in my opinion.

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