
Wednesday, June 9, 2021


The new water feature is pretty much done. May do a little tweaking here and there, but nothing substantial. I'm not real pleased with my rock work on it. The reason is that it doesn't look natural enough to me. I think if I had used colored cement that would have helped. In nature, sedimentary rocks are tighter together, often cemented with caliche or something. But I'm not going to dismantle it and start over, so it is what it is. 

View from left blind

View from right blind

View of back side of water feature

Here's a little rock planter box I cemented 40 yrs ago and it's still in good shape. I didn't use colored cement in those days, but it gives you an idea.

As for the Black-chinned Hummingbirds, you remember a while back the first nest I found fledged 2. Thereafter, I think the same female built a second nest. She laid two 2 eggs in it, but before they hatched something got the eggs. I don't know what. Just egg shell chips left in the nest.

Today I found a third nest high in a different Arizona Cypress tree. I haven't gotten a ladder to look in it. I don't plan on doing that. Maybe later if eggs hatch, but I don't want to chance it failing on my account.

Every day the high temperature is between 105° and 110.° Brutal!


  1. There you go again, fretting over how the rock work looks. In two years, you'll like it better. Those sedimentary layers you are admiring in nature took oh, many eons as you well know. Hope you get some cooler weather. We've got a hot one on our hands.

  2. It's very hot here too. I don't mind the heat but I mind how the trees struggle in it. I think artists tend to be critical of their work until they let it go and then come back years later and see it through unobjective eyes. I've let go now and I'm sure it'll be fine.
