
Friday, July 2, 2021

A bit stressful

It seems  I'm most likely to get my tanks filled with Pacific hurricanes, so I was excited when moisture from Hurricane Enrique brought rain to the Big Bend. Lots of people got great monsoonal rains, Terlingua Creek overflowed its bank.... on and on. But it missed CMO. 

I got a couple of nice rains out of it, but no runoff (other than that puddle in the upper settling pond). So, I worry...  Normally I get at least one monsoon per year, and that's all I need for a year's supply of water. But it's stressful fearing this will be another one of those years that misses the oasis. I can survive one year of drought, but this year would be the second in a row. Can't survive that.

I've been having vertigo lately so not feeling like doing much. Today I went to the oasis and filled the feeders. My internet there was not working so I retreated back to town. To fight again another day.


  1. What are those beautiful red flowers in the foreground?

    1. Those are Flame Acanthus. They do really good at the oasis if they get watered.

    2. But no matter how much I water them, they don't bloom well until it rains and cools off a bit.

    3. If you look at the first photo on my June 9th post, you'll see them blooming sparsely. That was in triple digit heat with just watering.

  2. Aha. I have a friend who has them growing, but they don't look quite that splendid. (I'm writing from Brownwood, so a wetter climate, but still Texas...) Thank you!
