
Sunday, July 4, 2021

Rain missed oasis again

Yesterday our place in Alpine got 1½" rain and today one inch. Here are a couple of video clips I took of it today, with my cell phone, unaware how sensitive it is to moisture. Took a couple hours to get it dried out. I thought as long as I didn't drop it in a puddle, it'd be fine. Lesson learned.

And once again, the rain down south missed the oasis. Near Study Butte they got a big 1½ inch monsoonal rain this afternoon. Light sprinkle at CMO.


  1. Most modern phones are now waterproof. I unknowingly had my phone in my shorts pocket and went saltwater wade fishing in the bay for 2 hours. Had no effect on my phone. My son uses his phone in the shower on a regular basis.

    1. I sure thought they were. Mine is a Samsung and a couple years old I think. It worked fine, just wouldn't let me charge it. I put it in a bag with rice and desiccant and it was fine in a couple of hours.
