
Thursday, September 30, 2021

A CMO day

The weathermen forecast 100%  chance of rain at the oasis at 3:00 PM. I don't remember a forecast like that before, so I couldn't resist going down there. My feeders needed servicing anyway. Incredibly, it started raining right at 3 PM. Got a little over half an inch in two separate showers. If it had all come in one, I likely would have had some water to pump. As it is, I don't plan on watering for 4 or 5 more days.

Deer were still coming in to drink before the rain. Probably won't need to for a while now.

I got my own Orb-weaver Spider photos today. It's always fun photographing new species.

I even photographed a different Orb-weaver Spider species (I think), as it was dispatching a wasp.

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