
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Saying farewell to Lucifers

There are still five or six Lucifers hanging around, including a couple juveniles. October is the month I see the last of them until next March. I will miss them, as usual.

Very few migrants, and overwintering species haven't arrived yet. Yesterday there were three Red-naped Sapsuckers fighting over Chinese Pistachio berries, but better that than hammering the sap out of my trees.

Nashville Warbler

On that last photo you can see how the water isn't dripping properly. The spout Mac Womack made a couple of years ago came off, so I made a new one. 

It should turn black with algae soon enough. The way I looped it over the rim of the rock, I'm hoping it won't fall off. But if it does in a few years, I can replace it, and knowing what I learned doing this one, the next one will be better. At least now it's dripping into the basin below and not running down the side of the rocks.

A pair of Tropical Leafwings are enjoying a stale feeder, so I didn't refill it with fresh sugar water.

A couple of rare dragonflies were seen near Balmorhea two days ago. I'm going to try to find them tomorrow. They'd be lifers for me. Stay tuned....

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