
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Family in Alpine

 Last night I went to the Holland Hotel to see my son, Lee, play his drums in a band there. I didn't stay very long because I treasure my perfect hearing and don't like to subject myself to loud noise.

On the way to the inner courtyard where they played, I walked past a large photo hanging on a wall that features my sister, Andrea, taken before she retired as an archeologist at Sul Ross's Center for Big Bend Studies.

Her daughter, Julie, manages Front Street Books just a block or two away from the Holland Hotel, and also teaches at Sul Ross. 

Then there's my oldest son, Eric, who owns the Triangle Market in town. He's been real sick with Covid the past two weeks. One of those who refused to get vaccinated. He mainly had an unbearable headache, extreme fatigue, and loss of taste. Today finally, his headache is somewhat better, so over the worst. Julie was real sick with Covid a year ago, before the vaccine was available, even while taking all possible precautions, and still doesn't have her taste back.

I'm so grateful for the miracle of vaccines.

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