
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Time flies by

Can't believe it's been nearly a week since I blogged. Today I came to the oasis and finished my roof project. No one will even notice it unless it's pointed out to them, but that's fine. Don't need it to stick out like a sore thumb.

More shade, more rain catchment. The three roofs are all the exact same color but because they're at slightly different angles to the sun throughout the day, they seldom look matching from the back side.

Migration is poking along a bit slower than normal The Chinese Pistache tree is loaded with berries that draw the birds, but since the mockingbirds patrol the tree, the other species are in and out so quick that I can't get decent photos. An immature Red-naped Sapsucker came in to drink, then went on about his business of damaging what's left of my poor trees.  They all survived last year's record freeze, but some are decidedly much shorter than they had been before.


  1. That is a very nice bird blind. Congratulations.
    I had not seen any pictures of Mockingbirds in your blog. I was beginning to wonder if you had any. And now you mention Mockingbirds. It is great that you have them. They are such wonderful singers.

  2. Thanks. I can't imagine not having the new blind and water feature now. Would be awful to go back to how it was before. I just don't like mockingbirds. The won't let other birds partake of the berry trees. But I guess all life forms are territorial. If you click on Northern Mockingbird in the index on the right side of my blog you'll see other references to them.
