
Sunday, March 6, 2022

Lucifer Hummingbird behavior

Through the years, I've noticed that when the first male Lucifer first arrives, he buzzes right up to me, all hyper. That first flurry of activity seems like he's had a long hard trip and is excited to be back. He usually settles down in a day or two, per my observation (hopefully, not anthropomorphized). And thereafter usually doesn't buzz me like that.

So today I spent most of the morning watching and waiting. Frequent feeder visits by a female Black-chinned, but no Lucifer. 

Shortly after lunch time, a birder showed up. The first thing he asked me was if Lucifers were back yet. I hardly had the "no" out of my mouth when a male Lucifer buzzed us. Maybe because of the birder's orange cap. Maybe so, maybe not. That behavior felt so normal that I doubt the hat caused it. It happened fast, but I was aware that the bird had just streaked in from the south. I didn't get a decent photo. Not only was he bouncing all over the place like an excited puppy, but I was really busy. This is all I got. They're at their most beautiful when they first show up, though you can't tell it from my photo. Photographers should take note though.

I can't believe that basically the only thing I accomplished today was to get about 35 gallons (7 five-gallon buckets) of dried silt out of the bottom of the stucco tank. About 80-100 gallons more to go. I actually did take a photo of it, but accidentally deleted it.😣

My son showed up with the new drip tank stand that he had spent the last two days making. 

The Orange-capped birder (David Mehlman) provided welcome assistance. They got the old one carried off (right side of above photo), and got the new one installed. I had to come to town before the tank got placed on top of the stand, as Lee wanted to paint the planks he has planned to place under the tank. Next time I'm down there, I'll take pictures. Maybe I'll even paint the tank another coat. I feel more pressure to get the stucco tank patched though, so may focus on that. Doubt I'll have the energy to do both.

UPDATE: Lee sent me photos of what he did after I left for town. The next photos I'll take of the tank will be after I paint it again, which should be the final appearance.

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