
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Son to the rescue again

The last two days Lee has been slaving away at constructing a new tank stand for my drip tank. It may be every bit as heavy as the raised bench he made recently. I feel really guilty. He's getting farther behind on his business commitments. Totally overloaded.

Not the final color

And here again is the tank that'll go atop it. I think I'll paint it a lighter color to help keep the water cooler, and hopefully free of algae. With all the paint I've put on it, it's nearly opaque. Not quitting until it is. I could have bought a new opaque beige tank for around $600, but didn't have the money. Even this paint was over $60 for a gallon.

As you may recall, the stand will replace this one that wasn't sturdy enough, didn't fit the tank, and required me to climb a ladder a lot. The new one is two feet shorter, which will make a lot of difference. I'll be able to adjust the drip without climbing a ladder.

I'm so excited that we're going to the oasis tomorrow to set this all up. And while I'm there, I plan to work some more on cleaning out the stucco tank. Just depends on how much abuse my body can take. Getting close to finishing. Then a few hours of patching, and it should be good to go when rainy season arrives.

Surely I'll see a Lucifer Hummingbird tomorrow. And Elf Owls are due to start arriving too.

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