
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Plugging along

Came to the oasis this morning. Without a helper! How soon I get spoiled! Had my usual lengthy to-do list. My first trip up the big hill since Deirdre and I worked on it. It's definitely improved, but people not familiar with the road might still find it daunting.

Spent most of the day painting. Another coat to the drip tank and putting water sealer on four of my five wooden benches (ran out of sealer on the fifth). Also painted the bench my son raised, to better match the blind and "grandstand," as Deidre called it.

I did see a hummingbird, as expected, but not the Lucifer I expected. This one turned out to be an Anna's, which is good for this time of year. It didn't hang around long. Lucifers have never arrived this late before.

Identifying White-crowned Sparrow subspecies is fraught with frustration too. Here's one that I think is a Z. oriantha subspecies, characterized by black lore and darker bill.

However, this next picture is the same bird where the bill looks the same color as the Z. gambelii subspecies. Following photo is of a Z. gambelii with the same color bill. Go figure!

 Oh, well. I'll let the experts deal with it. Gotta rest up for another grueling day tomorrow.

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