
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Continuing oasis progress

Yesterday Deirdre and I worked a while on the rocks at the steepest part of the big hill. I think we made it less daunting, and a smoother ascent, so I'm happy about that. We also coated the water drip tank in an attempt to make it more algae-proof. Still needs another coat.

Before it's put back on its stand, my son is going to reconfigure the stand to make it more user-friendly and stronger. Right now the welds don't look strong enough for the weight, plus I had to continually climb a ladder to check the water level and fill it. I like that it'll have a lower profile too. All good! 

Ultimately, I'll spray paint it green again like I had before. Here's the only photo I can find of it green, but gives you the idea.

Can't wait to get back to the oasis and to see the Lucifers that I'm sure are starting to arrive now.

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