
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Alpine migration day

Today felt like the first day of migration in Alpine. First time I've ever photographed the crown on a Nashville Warbler. Rather accidental. I was just trying to photograph it in focus. Failed on that count.

The Inca Dove is still sitting on a nest in the mulberry tree. The mate is usually easy to spot nearby.

The mulberry trees are loaded with mulberries. They'll start ripening in a couple of weeks and bring exciting birds to the habitat. Meanwhile, the air is perfumed with Black Locust blossoms.

Without this habitat in Alpine there's no way I could spend any amount of time here. I would love to let  bushes and weeds grow, but my husband won't allow it. He's too afraid of getting a ticket from the city even after I pled my case one year and they said they'd leave us alone... and have done so. So far. Things, and personnel, change.

Black Locust grow fast and make great trees if you prune them. They're terribly thorny so it's important to remove the lower growth as soon as possible. They're also susceptible to deer damage, so they need caged for the first five years or so. I have a couple that sprouted last year (they can be invasive) that I need to cage so the deer will stop eating them. Tomorrow.

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