
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Struggles here and there

The cottonwood tree is really struggling to stay alive. I don't see it surviving much longer without some good rains this year. It's so water needy that it would save a lot of water if it died. However, birds love it. Always great photo ops in it. The oasis sure wouldn't be the same without it. Just today I photographed this Scott's Oriole in it.

I really enjoyed watching a Curve-billed Thrasher struggling to fit a big twig through the nest box opening. It finally did get the twig in by turning it just right, but it was a nail-biter there for a while.

I got more photos of the Grasshopper Sparrow today too.

There are fewer hummers at the feeders since ocotillo is starting to bloom better. Not a good year for blooms though.


  1. Interesting thrasher photo. Have you ever seen one putting sticks in a nest box before? Odd behavior since they are not cavity nesters. Thanks for sharing

  2. I know they're not supposed to be cavity nesters but they've been using my nest boxes for as long as I've had them, like 25 years. I have seen them struggle with twigs before, just never got a photo of it.
