
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Time will tell


Finally, a month later than usual, things are starting to green up. I despaired that they ever would. Not only that, but they're wasting no time in trying to make berries. Time will tell if birds get to enjoy them. They still have a lot of adversity to get through (heat, drought, wind, insects, etc.).

Chinese Pistachio (ripens in fall)

Netleaf Hackberry (ripens in fall)

Black Cherry (ripens summer)

Wild Mulberry (ripens spring)

Unfortunately, the mulberry tree is a small volunteer and doesn't make many berries. Just tiny ones that don't last long. The persimmons aren't putting on fruit yet, but they can be a great source of fall berries.

I saw my first oasis Regal Ringneck Snake today. I tried to corral it for a photo; was too chicken to pick it up, so not a very good photo. It's a common snake, but secretive and seldom seen.

Time will tell if the new water feature can withstand the continual onslaught of javelina. I'll concrete the rocks in place if I have to.

Early this morning I left my camera in the pickup temporarily since I didn't see any birds and was struggling to set up my hoses and pump for a day of watering. Right away, as I was rushing around, I flushed a Grasshopper Sparrow. I didn't know if Ebird considers it rare here or not, so was determined to get a photo. (I've only seen a few here in all the years of the oasis.) For the next several hours, as I watered, I searched high and low. Got one glimpse of it, but I wasn't fast enough for a photo. Finally, I figured it had just stopped by for a drink and was gone, so I gave up. Some time later, I got down into the big tank to adjust my pump and there was the sparrow, making its way down to the water. My first thought was, "am I carrying my camera?" That's a valid question because I carry it so much that I'm not aware of carrying it. And as dedicated as I am about carrying it around my neck, swung around onto my back so it doesn't interfere with work, I do put it down occasionally (quite a bit, actually) and forget. Like if I'm getting into water or climbing a ladder or using the bathroom, etc.

Yes, I was carrying my camera since I wasn't actually getting into the water, just using a pole to move the pump deeper in. I did get my photos. Turned out Ebird didn't flag it, but I was prepared.

Too many times I've not expected a bird to be flagged, and it was. It's sometimes hard to know what is considered rare at what time, and what place.

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