
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Peregrine Falcon

Stuck in town, I can only enjoy the oasis vicariously. A week or so ago visitors reported seeing a Peregrine swoop real close. So last time I was down there, I kept hoping to see one. Didn't happen. Now today visitors saw one up close and personal again. Maybe when I get back down there I'll get that lucky. Meanwhile, enjoying the great photos of it taken by Star Posada.

Normally, this time of year they're nesting up along the mountain ridge; I hear them, but don't see them. This year, I don't hear them, but others see them. I never could understand why the Peregrines don't hunt right at the oasis where it's so birdy, and especially with doves. Perhaps this one has figured out it's the place to be. We'll see.

Years ago, maybe in the late 90s, I monitored a Peregrine nest on the cliff above the oasis that fledged a record 4 chicks, called "eyases."

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