
Friday, April 8, 2022

New hummer nest in Alpine

Several days ago I saw a hummer with nesting material at my habitat in Alpine. Today, as soon as I got to town from servicing feeders and watering at the oasis, I was showing the habitat here to some birders. While I was at it, I glanced into the cypress tree I had seen the activity in, not expecting to see the nest, but lo and behold, there it was! I think it's interesting how the bird seemed to use the nest-building cobwebs to further attach the nest to the cypress needles.


Earlier today, at the oasis, I photographed a cooperative Solitary Sandpiper.

Funny how when there are no birds, there are no birders, and when I'm inundated with birds, I'm also inundated with birders. Right now there's a fair amount of both.

Remember that bird that I first thought was a female Cardinal (see post from April 2), then decided it was a Pyrrhuloxia with a berry-stained beak?  Well after photographing it again yesterday, I think it's a hybrid Cardinal x Pyrrhuloxia. If it was stain, it wouldn't be permanent, and besides there are no berries.

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