
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A whole lotta...

I received an email from a birder who visited the oasis today and she indicated that the feeders were basically empty. Knowing I'd worry and not sleep, I headed to the oasis, arriving around 8 PM. There were a whole lotta hummers swarming the feeders. I was planning on coming down early in the morning anyway, but glad I came down. I don't like them to have to fight over the last feeder or two with anything in it. I put up double the feeders.

Since the ocotillo is starting to bloom, I had expected they'd diminish at the feeders, not increase, but I think it'll still be a week or so before there's enough ocotillo to divert them.

Before I rushed away from Alpine, I saw the two Inca Doves that are nesting in the grape arbor cuddling together after the female apparently had left the nest for a spell. They appeared to be grooming one another. Very touching!

Whole lotta lovin'

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