
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Fun hour at Musquiz Lake

Frequently I run up to check out the bird activity at Musquiz Lake about 15 minutes north of Alpine. Today I saw an Elk swim across the lake. Really cool!

Other than that, I saw 25 bird species, including dozens of Yellow-rumped Warblers, an Osprey and a Common Black Hawk. The latter were too far away to get decent photos. Best I could do.


  1. Where is that lake exactly? Is it on the way to Ft Davis?
    I wasn't aware they had elk that far south. They have them up in Montana. Their bugling is other-worldy to hear at night there.

  2. I've heard the bugling in Colorado, but never in Texas. Yes, there are Elk in the region. I've seen them as far south as Elephant Mountain. Found Elk scat at my place once. The lake is on the east side of the highway between Alpine and Ft Davis. You can see it on a topo map. It's a mile or two south of that rest area adjacent to Calamity Creek Ranch.

  3. It's on private property so one has to do all their viewing from the highway. Traffic is fierce there.

  4. Thank you! Perfect directions, I found it on Google - you can even see it from Street View! The camera car didn't catch any elks there that day though, darnit ;-)

  5. LOL! I've spent a lot of time there and that's the only time I've seen Elk there.
