
Sunday, April 17, 2022

It happened again

I hate it when birders waste prime birding hours being lost. Today was especially sad because the lost group was in two vans, wandering around the bad dirt roads for an hour before they made it here. And the only reason they found it at all is because the group's leader had been here before in 2017. So he had a general idea anyway. He thought he remembered the way, so didn't think to ask for directions to be sent again. And his backup plan, satellite system, only made it worse.

I learned a new word today. My "potty shed," that I thought these Australians would call a "loo," is a "dunny." Go figure!

Birding was quite good, so I think the pall of getting lost wore off after a while. Hope so, anyway. A female Cinnamon Teal was too exhausted to leave here, so hid as best it could and endured the audience.

Hiding behind the only option

Other than that, the three best species for the day were, a Harris Hawk that I got poor very distant shots of, a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, and Ruby-throated Hummingbird. I guess it compares favorably with yesterday, in spite of the 100° high today.

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