
Monday, April 18, 2022

Wore myself out watering and birding

I feel like I'm rushing around more than usual lately, but spring migration only comes once a year. Gotta milk it for all it's worth!

Got some pics of a Myrtle's Yellow-rumped Warbler at the oasis today. It's a species I don't get very often.

With the ocotillo in full bloom, hummers aren't coming to the feeders much, but at least often enough that all visitors get good looks at them.

After I finished watering I rushed to town to catch up with stuff there. Some birders came by our ponds and I went with them to Musquiz Lake. They got a lifer Common Black Hawk there, which was fun. It was too far away for any of us to get a good photo.

Then we saw a Zone-tailed Hawk up close. It moved too fast for me to get a decent photo, but a good photographer with us did. Then while I was processing my photos while making myself a late supper, I totally burned supper.

I've got a long to-do list for tomorrow....

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