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Monday, December 18, 2023

What can I say?

Today I stuck my head out the patio door to tell my husband something while he was sitting out there. I heard a tanager call. Then a kinglet. Then other birds. Excitedly grabbed my shoes, jacket, headwrap, UV glasses, hat, binoculars, camera, and cell phone as I raced outside to find the rarity. Heading back toward the ponds I saw an obvious birder in a car parked along the street. By the time I approached, I already knew the answer to the question I was about to ask the person. Yup, she was playing a "medley" of bird calls. Hmm...

There's a very out-of-place American Woodcock at a residence in Alpine. The homeowners are happy to have birders come see it, and themselves posted the address on Facebook, which is how I found out about it. Some ace birders knowingly submitted the wrong address in their ebird reports. I know how upset I would be if I drove many miles to see a rarity, or lifer, and ended up searching in the wrong yard, maybe a yard that was not birder-friendly. Hmm...

Alpine is crawling with feral, and pet, cats. I worry one will get the woodcock. I hate having them in our yard. We trap some, but it's a losing battle. Hmm...

I'm going to Balmorhea birding tomorrow to de-stress.  Um-hmm..

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