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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

All good!

I just love precocial* chicks, maybe because when I was a child we raised chickens. Here are a couple of clips of quail chicks from my trail cam yesterday. They're finally big enough to climb into the drip bath. (Somehow I didn't get the year set right on the cam. Every time the batteries run down I have to reset it and sometimes it messes up. The temperature is right though.)

Dragonflies are abundant at the oasis, and surprisingly, so far, mosquitoes haven't been bad. Today I had not one, but two, Five-striped Leaftails. That was a treat! Otherwise, just the usual suspects.

One of my most favorite plants that grow naturally on my property is Faxon Yucca. I only have one  patch (of three) that are well outside the oasis. Here's my most recent photo, which I took in 2020, but they bloom almost every year.

Years ago my sister bought one at a plant sale and recently harvested some new sprouts from it. She gave me one, which I planted at the oasis today. When they get big they're somewhat like palm trees. Hopefully, I'll live long enough to enjoy it big. Gonna water it a lot. Right now it's under this grass.

I took my sister's advice and covered it with grasses and twigs to shade it until it gets well established. I just hope critters don't uproot it. I have a big problem with that. We'll see. Faxon Yuccas are actually relict plants from when times here were cooler and wetter, but will do well with extra water.

The other two native species that I love from my property are Fragrant Ash and Mexican Blue Oak (also a relict species). They both grow up on top of our mountain. I haven't had any luck with the ash, but do have a Mexican Blue Oak grown from an acorn off a tree in our small motte on the mountain.


* Precocial chicks are those that can walk, run, and feed themselves soon after hatching. Ducks are precocial also, which I adore equally.


  1. I love your posts Carolyn! I learn something new each time I read one. So glad you are feeling well. I am making good progress with my recovery from my little tussle with prostate starting to think I might actually get back to almost normal! Take Care, Tom McC

  2. The quail chicks are precious! I grew up on the northside of San Antonio when that part of town was still ranch land. We got to watch bobwhite chicks come through the yard for years! Such a treat!

  3. Great videos of those adorable chicks, love the sweet chirping!
