
Saturday, November 23, 2019

The oasis and me

Last night while I was playing on the computer, our internet went down and they can't come fix it until Monday, so I headed to the oasis. My neck barely hurts as long as I don't try to move it, but I can only turn my head about 3° to the right, and not at all to the left. Hope that improves.

When I got to the oasis I checked my critter cam. No bears. I think their season is probably over. Thinking about removing the unwelcome mat, lowering the feeder some, and putting on the new pad beneath it. Here's a fox the cam captured.

I totally forgot about the camera when I was watering the other day. It captured the essence of me and the oasis in our symbiotic bond. For 23 years I've been dragging hoses around watering everything, often, twice a week, until I can no longer separate my existence from the existence of the oasis.


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