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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

CMO these days

Two days ago we got 15 hundredths of an inch of rain. It was nice to see the ground wet anyway. Yesterday my son and I rode down from Alpine and he installed a new pump in the stucco tank. Then today I painted some asphalt coating on cracks in it.

I feel like the regular patching I use doesn't contract and expand as well with the weather. I didn't finish but got a start. Looks pretty sorry, but once it's full of water it'll look wonderful. The biggest mistake I made when constructing this tank was to stucco it to the bedrock. Now it's one with it. The other tank is totally separate from the ground, even though it's below ground level. It doesn't have this problem as bad.

Some nice clouds late this afternoon and a chance of rain this weekend.

I think one of my cottonwood trees is dead. Normally it's in full bloom by mid-February.

Today there is no sign of life on the tree. Here are a few shots of the oasis today. No interesting birds anywhere. Some birders are coming tomorrow. I warned them that this is the worst birding here ever gets, but they want to just see the place.

This Mexican Elder tree is the greenest thing around. I have a bunch of them I started in pots from cuttings. Soon I'll be planting them. I'm going to put one at the oasis, one in the courtyard at the house, and the rest at my Alpine habitat. I'll post photos of them soon.


  1. Sandy/Alpine and OdessaFebruary 20, 2012 at 11:52 AM

    You've mentioned growing things from cuttings before, so you obviously have good success with them. If you have time someday, how about posting how you do this, in some detail? My feeble efforts have only resulted in mush that had to be tossed in the compost bin. Would love to be able to have MORE of my favorite trees and shrubs!

  2. Hi, Sandy. You can call me in Alpine sometime and we can discuss it. Some things are easier than others but I always keep the cuttings moist and in good soil, plus I take a huge plastic bag and make a canopy over them. I'll take some photos and post them soon.
