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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Another lesson learned

Nearly two years ago I built my delightful water feature in Alpine. Here's how it looked in March of last year. Birds loved it.

But I've since learned there can be too much of a good thing. I focused on growing cover nearby for the birds to feel safe when coming in for water. It never occurred to me that the cover I was creating was too close. Snakes or cats could be lurking in the vegetation. Bird visits slowed considerably.

So now, since I can't convert lawn into cover (the husband police at work here), it's best I just clear out the flower bed (mostly Turk's Caps) that I planted behind it, and let the birds use the grape arbor above for their cover. 

Not much interesting migration activity yet. Probably not cold enough to the north yet. Still no summer rain at the oasis. I'm hanging in there. That's all I can do.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fall migration chugging along

It's a testament to my determination that javelina haven't destroyed the back water drip since I re-strengthened it a few years ago. I've taken hundreds of video clips of their rough-housing. Painful to watch.


Several days ago I had a couple myiarchus flycatchers in Alpine. I struggled with the ID of one that is apparently a juvenile, or possibly a Brown-crested Flycatcher. First photo of adult  Great-crested Flycatcher by me, second photo of yet undetermined by Kim Morse, but likely juvenile Great-crested. (Her camera is way better than mine.)

So I got to the oasis this morning and first thing I saw two myiarchus flycatchers.. again. Still working out ID, but I think they're both Brown-crested Flycatchers. (Photos are both of the same individual.)

One reason for my ID is the mouth lining is yellow-orange. This photo from the trail cam.

And to further keep me confused, there is also an Ash-throated Flycatcher present. I was very gratified that when a Black-capped Vireo showed up, I could confidently ID it. Whew!

Fall migration trickles on, even though the oasis hasn't had a single monsoon this summer. Early June was our one and only so far. 

UPDATE: Ebird reviewer said the two myiarchus from the oasis are juvenile Ash-throateds. Still no word on the Brown-crested/ Great-crested at Alpine. The two were just there that one day.