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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Dead dove

Pretty much confined to bird watching out my windows these days, when I noticed a Eurasian Collared-Dove jumping up and down in a strange manner, not like a courtship display. Got my binoculars on it and realized it was trying to revive a dead dove. Maybe common behavior, but I'd never witnessed it before. Bird flu? Don't know.

This behavior continued for at least 15 minutes, alternately poking the dead bird. 

Other than that, nothing much happening. The cold weather has given me a mild case of bronchitis so I haven't gone birding. If a good sighting was reported somewhere near, I'd probably chase it. Meanwhile, I'm staying indoors. Just a few more weeks of winter to go. Weeks until rains is another story.


Anonymous said...

Both sad and heartwarming. What an interesting behavior to observe…Gail.

David O said...

Amazing and sad!

Anonymous said...

Wow. A real life "Mourning" dove...