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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Migration in full swing

I haven't had any big fallouts but numbers are up today. Here's a very uncooperative Nashville Warbler. But that's OK. He's hungry and needs to replenish his stores for the rest of his journey. That has priority over photos.

Here is a Western Kingbird that stopped by for a visit.

In all, I saw over 43 species today, but in a normal year, with mulberries and water in the tanks, that number should be around 60 during this time of year.

Did you ever wonder what a displaying Lucifer Hummingbird looks like from the rear? I didn't think so, but I'll show you anyway.

Since I water the mulberry tree a lot, wise flowers choose to bloom beneath it. Here are a few Mistflower (eupatorium greggii) blooms.

And some Harvard Penstemmons nearby.

Later, this afternoon, more birds arrived bringing the day's total up to 49 per my ebird report. Here is a Western Wood-Pewee having a bad hair day in the wind.

The cholla looked even lovelier today.