I got a late start this morning because I helped Hugh process some of the feral hog meat before I headed to the oasis. So I missed prime birding time, and didn't get a lot done today.
One of the 3 oranges from this season is visible on this photo |
It was nice to arrive to a cleaner house than I normal do. That inspired me to clean the oven and broom closet. Had to service feeders and start watering too. Will finish watering in the morning. Everything is getting done slowly, bit by bit. Not to say I'll ever catch up. Stuff breaks down faster than I can keep up with. Just going as fast as I can.
Although no hummers, the weather was in the 70s with no wind, so a beautiful day. Even found some globemallow blooming. Not bad for January.
Sphaeralcea angustifolia |
The courtyard isn't too depressing, thanks to the palm tree. Sure hope we have a wet and early spring though.
I rerouted the hose going to the water feature drip at the oasis. Had I done that before that big freeze I wouldn't have lost that 10,000 gallons of water. Or if it did leak, it would have been under the cottonwood tree and into the wildlife pond, which wouldn't have been such a calamity. I just have to be thankful that I have enough water to make it through to rainy season. No way am I going to entertain the thought that we might not get summer monsoons this year. All thoughts are positive.