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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Link to recent podcast

Had my first Johnson Ponds Wilson's Snipe when I got back to town from watering trees yesterday.

Here's a link to a second podcast I did a month ago, or whenever.


Anonymous said...


Matt Walter said...

How cool is that!

JudithK said...

So there are snipe in TX. I had no idea. And I used to be a bit of a birder. And 68 years ago, at Girl Scout Camp, I had no doubts that taking someone on a "snipe hunt" was a fruitless expedition. But now, I have learned the innocent could have actually found a snipe!!

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

When I was a child in Iowa we went snipe hunting at night. They're hard enough to find during the day, I can't imagine finding one at night.