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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Oak remorse

Started watering at daylight this morning, hoping I'd have enough energy to finish. When I saw new bear damage, I figured cleaning up the damage would push me beyond my limit.

Luckily, some big strong men (with big heavy cameras) showed up and made quick work of the damage. What would have been an hour of torture for me was five minutes for them. I've decided to have my son cut down what remains of that Chinkapin Oak tree. It consistently makes lots of acorns that bears consistently tear up the tree to get to. Here's how it looks now.  Just a waste of precious water. Not smart to keep doing the same thing, expecting different results. LOL

When Mike Gray designed the viewing blind, he installed a ground level opening for photographers. However, I'd never seen anyone, other than Mike, actually use it. So when I approached the blind, thinking no one was in it, I was surprised to see someone stretched out on the ground photographing quail through the opening. Of course, I flushed the quail when I went charging in. I'm sure they returned promptly though.

Birding is somewhat slow both at the oasis and in town. The hybrid Anna's x Rufous Hummingbird is still at the town feeders. It's confirmed to be a juvenile male now that he's sprouted a new gorget feather.

Also a juvenile Anna's male hanging around that's very difficult to see or photograph.

A cold front is predicted in a few days. Maybe it'll bring some interesting birds with it.

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