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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Apricot bonanza

This year our apricot tree in Alpine was solid fruit, hardly even any leaves. Biggest crop ever! Bushels! I've been busy picking and giving away apricots. I dried some for my husband, but I'm not supposed it eat stuff like that on my teeth, so wasn't very enthused about drying them.

Then my son Eric's partner told me she's freezing the ones I gave her and how good they were. I tried it, and OMG, the best ever! It's like eating great apricot ice cream. She puts hers in shakes. So now I'm busy freezing them. I have no trouble chewing them either. Same nutritional value as fresh, and if anything, tastier!

This is Memorial Day weekend. Can't help but remember how this time two years ago my daughter and husband were both near death. (She with a brain tumor and he with a punctured colon after a bad fall.) Both are doing great now! So it's a time of thankfulness for me! Here's a recent photo of my great-grandson at his High School graduation with his father. I love this photo! It's one I'll always remember.

Several days ago I was at the oasis watering when I took a short break to visit with some bird photographers there. As we were sitting there, a rare Prothonotary Warbler paused just long enough for us to get a couple shots before it disappeared. Here's mine:

Checking my trail cam later, I discovered it had made a 15 second stop at the water drip. We had seen it about five minutes later. Just a pit stop for the bird. Here's from the trail cam video.

So that was fun!


  1. Glad your life is going well! And then to have apricots as well! My favorite fruit, about which my father said they only made a crop every seven years. It always seemed longer to me! Those are beautiful. So glad you've found a way to eat them!

  2. Great warbler shots, what a lovely surprise. So glad you are enjoying the spring Carolyn, blessings to you.

  3. Apricots look scrumptious ❤️!!!
