Started out good. I already got a lifer at the oasis. Cape May Warbler.
It was kind of a fluke, too. I'd been rushing around watering all day, watching birds in between moving the hoses. I sat for a bit at the birdbath/drip with a visiting birder. The birder was quite knowledgeable, but a 20 yr old who had only been birding a couple of years. I saw a Myrtle's Warbler bopping around, but couldn't get a photo because my camera was set wrong. When this birder got a good photo of it, I was determined to get one too.
While waiting and sorting through the Yellow-rumpeds, I saw a bird that I thought might be the Myrtle's and snapped a few photos of it. I asked the birder something to the effect of "what was that?" Neither of us even considered anything other than a Myrtle's or Audubon's. It happened so fast. I'm sure we were both thinking it was maybe a hybrid Yellow-rumped, or something. Luckily, I snapped photos first, and worried about the ID later, like when I downloaded my photos onto my computer. That's when I realized. Keep in mind, my eyesight isn't so good; my camera monitor is broken, and the birdbath is back in shade. And the birds are flitting a mile a minute.
Good birds at our ponds in town too. Wish I could be in two places at once. Here's what I saw looking out the window at my birdbath in town late yesterday afternoon.
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