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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lajitas birding habitat

For many years I've been pushing for a decent birding habitat at Lajitas. Years ago the previous owner created one on a flood plain that was, obvious to us locals, destined to wash away in the next big flood. They put in fancy gravel walkways, irrigation systems, and basically what I called an unsustainable infrastructure. Predictably, it washed away in a huge flood not long afterwards. Then the owner sold the place, and that was that.

At a later time, after talking to CEOs and managers, I was encouraged that an improved, lesson-learned, habitat would happen again. I've always felt Lajitas the ideal place for a wetland habitat, located between the two parks. (It sits right on the western edge of Big Bend National Park and the eastern edge of Big Bend Ranch State Park.) But in spite of reassurances, nothing happened.

Recently I read an article about a wetland project going forward in Presidio that I had figured would never happen.

That article renewed my hope for such a thing at Lajitas. Since my last attempt there the management had changed. I contacted the new General Manager. He informed me they had marked a birding trail. That was great encouragement for me. I wrote him several long emails about the benefits of a birding center there and what specifically I envisioned for the place. I truly feel it's not a matter of if, but when. Hopefully, in my lifetime.

The trail starts below the restaurant as you head toward the golf course to the south.

It's a beginning. I'm hoping enough birders will bird there and find good enough species to cause many more birders. And maybe that will make the owner want to make it better for birders. Right now the trail is beside the golf course and I've discovered that makes golfers nervous that they might hit a birder with a ball. But at least birders are being welcomed at Lajitas. One small step forward.

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