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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Another BBB night

Blog. Benadryl. Bed. When I'm too exhausted to stay up until my usual bedtime (11 PM), I go to bed early and then wake up at 2 or 3 AM and can't get back to sleep. It ruins me for the next day. But if I take a swallow of children's Benadryl, I make it through the night just fine. I don't do that more than a few times a year. Last night I didn't, and then woke up at 1 AM. Finally took the Benadryl, but was groggy for a bit early this morning, so I'm going to take it earlier tonight. I don't drink coffee or tea or anything. I just rev myself up mentally. Normally, I wake up at daylight, all revved.

Anyway, finished the one curb and will finish the other in the morning. I hope this one will withstand my husband's bringing his wide trailer in behind his pickup. That'll be the acid test. He visits less frequently these days, like twice a year, so one can only hope.

When I get the other curb done I plan to quit on special projects for a while, and just do regular maintenance. Time to enjoy spring. Birders are already starting to visit. Today I had two parties, one from Canada; the other from Kansas. I do get birders year-round, just more in spring. It's funny, I used to think that spring migration (mid-April to mid-May) was the only fun birding time at CMO. Now I think it's awesome from April through December. Especially since I'm into butterflies now, too.  Just realized, in Feb-Mar this year I had 4 lifer butterfly species (Henry's Elfin, Great Purple Hairstreak, TX Powdered-Skipper, and Eastern Tailed-Blue). I may have to extend the awesome time frame.

Speaking of butterflies, I photographed this Northern Cloudywing today. Brian says it's early in the year for this species. Maybe global warming.

Here is a really adorable tiny flower. I don't know what it is yet, though.


Anonymous said...

It looks like possibly a type of vetch. Good for the soil...

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

Thanks. That's what others said too.