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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Time to blog

My son asked if I was OK, because I hadn't "blogged in a week." I hadn't realized it had been that long. Not much to blog about. The oasis did get a quarter-inch of rain the other evening. Enough that I couldn't bring myself to water the next day, but not nearly enough to last for any length of time, so I have that hanging over me to do. I guess migration kept my adrenalin going and now I'm winding down too.

Tomorrow I go to the dentist, hoping to get my implants fixed. Still limping around in foot pain. Probably a permanent condition. Eyesight's not so good, but otherwise I'm strong and healthy.

A few migrants are still hanging around. It's fun to see winter birds in their breeding plumage, such as the Lark Bunting I posted on April 27. Lately, in Alpine, I've been seeing lovely American Goldfinches in bright plumage.

Also had a couple of Spotted Sandpipers make quick pit stops at the ponds in town.

Although our mulberry crop was scant this spring, for a while there were colorful orioles and tanagers in the trees. Of course, when they drop down from the trees for a drink or bath I get better photos.

Western Tanager

I enjoyed watching a Black-chinned Hummingbird build a nest next to the carport.

In fact, one time at the ponds I saw three female hummingbirds gathering nesting material at the same time. And we're going through sugar water like crazy!


  1. Hope all of your dental & health concerns are eased, if not solved. Again, thank you for all you do at the Oasis for the birds, and the birders.

    1. Well, not so good at the dentist. I have to have 2 new implants which will be very expensive and painful to go through. Hopefully, they'll last me from now on with no problems.

  2. Your son is a gem, making sure Mama is all there. Happy Mother’s Day to you! Loved your shot of the lark bunting ’cuz I’ve never seen one; the photos are always great. Keep sharing your wonderful oasis, we’re watching!

  3. Good Sons and Daughters are definitely a blessing. Picturing you ALL better and healed up. And yes.. Thankyou for all you do for our feathered friends.
