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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lovely surprise

I rode down to the oasis this AM with my husband to drop off some benches he had restored for me. Plan was to stay about an hour. As we were unloading the benches I noticed the big concrete tank was brimful. I actually screamed! Somewhere upstream it had rained last night and run enough to top off that tank. It didn't make it to the other tanks, but the settling pond was full and needed to be pumped so as not to lose that water. My new rain gauge registered slightly over one-tenth of an inch; not enough to run here. So I sent Hugh back to town without me. My sister will give me a ride in the morning. Tank is on left side of spillway; settling pond on right side.

It took me 8 hours to pump out the water.

Destination is the tank that was down about 4 feet because I've been using it for watering all summer. This means that I'll have at least another month's supply next spring. May be the difference between having to haul water an extra month or not having to haul water at all, depending on when it rains next summer.

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