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Monday, October 23, 2023

Nice soaking rain today

The oasis got treated to a long slow rain that didn't produce any runoff into my tanks, but was lovely nevertheless. Maybe tomorrow we'll get some more. It was nice not to have to water today. My son and I did a little patching in the stucco tank. No sooner did we finish than the misty rain increased for long enough that we worried the patching would wash away before it set up. I'll check it next time I'm there. It was too mud-slick to go into the tank to look, but from above it looked OK. Needs more patching, but every little bit helps if it should happen to fill up.

Even though there was no water added to the tanks, other than the nearly inch that fell directly into them, it's water in instead of taking water out. That puts me ahead, not to mention, rain water is so much better for vegetation than watering is. Too late for new growth, being almost November. Still very happy with the rain.

At least four dampish Lucifers still around.

Two rare Nutting's Flycatchers have been seen in Big Bend National Park in the last couple of days. Hoping to get down there Wednesday (day after tomorrow) and get better photos of the species than I got last time one was there in January of 2012. (If you do a search on this blog for that species, the details of my previous encounter[s] will come up.)

My mouth is healing well. Life is good!


Update: Can't chase the Nutting's Flycatcher. The roads in that area are closed due to flooding. Maybe this weekend.


  1. Happy to read the positive news!

  2. so awesome about rain. Nutting’s Flycatcher is awesome in Big Bend.
