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Monday, January 16, 2023

Farther afield

Birding around CMO and the Alpine area has gotten dull, so when there were Long-eared Owls in Midland, I finagled to ride with a birder friend to go see them. Yesterday we ended up birding from daylight until dark. The air was chilly, so I feared I might get sick. But I'm not really any worse for the wear, and saw lots of good birds, including the owls.

Not a lifer, but didn't have Long-eared Owl pics before yesterday. They're impossible to locate without someone helping who knows where they're hanging out, so I arranged for my good friend Russ Rogers to lead us to them. Thanks, Russ! Here's a photo Russ had taken of one of them. I especially love this photo because it makes the bird look real skinny. That's actually a camouflage technique. 

Day before yesterday I serviced feeders and did some watering at CMO. A visiting birder (Pat Dwyer) dug the hole for the new bear-proof feeder. I'm so excited for when the feeder will be functioning! Thanks, Pat!

The chairs on top were just something handy to cover the hole for now. Seemed like the right thing to do. When the pole is ready, I'll cement it in. Lee is just super busy lately, and I told him there's no big rush. The old feeder with the extension is working fine. I plan on using both feeders, if possible. Always a work in progress. 

Hard to believe Lucifers will be back in six weeks!


Anonymous said...

Good stuff…Gail.

Anonymous said...


the ferminator? said...

love the long-eared owl pics! Thanks!

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

Thanks all for your comments!