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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bear-proof at last!

A lovely day at the oasis! We got right to work setting the post for the new feeder.

While waiting for the concrete to set, I discovered a big limb down on the biggest live oak tree. 


Not positive it was a bear, but there were a couple of acorns on that limb and no other acorns anywhere else at the oasis that I could find. Coincidence? It's possible it was a result of the recent ice storm, although only little twigs were broken from that. If it was a bear, it didn't get to the hanging bucket feeder, so that's finally out of reach. 

Next photo is waiting for the concrete to set before placing the feeder on the post. Since the feeder has a steel sleeve welded under it, Lee had to dig a temporary foot deep hole in order to place the feeder on the ground. Probably a  waste of effort for such a short time, but I was so excited to see it finally sitting there.

After it was done we didn't have time to wait for birds to discover it. That might take a week or more, but I was a happy camper to have it installed. BEAR-PROOF! And Lee put up the new game cam. I don't know if it'll capture birds at it, but it will show if a bear messes with it. Next time I'm there I'll be able to see if birds have started using it yet.

Filling the feeder felt like gassing up a plane or boat in preparation for its maiden voyage.

Lee is a bit worried a bear will push and pull on it before the concrete is set. That couldn't do more than crack the cement. It still couldn't get to the seed, but we're sure hoping that doesn't happen.

Hard to believe Lucifers will be arriving back in three weeks!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! A big thanks to Lee! From Nancy Devlin

Greg Jackson said...

I hope to see some Lucifer’s there at the end of the month

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

Yes, he is awesome! He engineered and built the whole thing and it functions perfectly.

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

They have come as early as Feb 25, and as late as Mar 5. This has been a good birding winter so I'm optimistic they'll arrive earlier than average.

Anonymous said...

Looking so great, Carolyn! ~Matt