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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Life still weird

My sister and I went up the mountain at daylight. The wind was raging so hard that up on the ridge it actually caused me to lose my balance a couple of times, even using a walking stick (my trusty hoe). Here's a photo of me applying gray spray paint to rocks along the trail. Now I finally don't have to worry about people losing the trail.

When I arrived back at the oasis a couple of local birders told me about a spotted hummingbird they had seen. So, ready for a nap and to get out of the wind, I, instead, sat and got photos of the bird. When the wind dies down I'll try to get better shots of it. Apparently it's a "greying leucistic" bird, probably a Black-chinned. Very weird!

This photo of a Green-tailed Towhee isn't in great focus but I love the pose I accidentally captured. That'll never happen again.

Hordes of cowbirds are gobbling up the bird seed.

This female Yellow-headed Blackbird was among the migrants.


  1. So. You did the mountain again! Congratulations.....

  2. Thanks. It wasn't so bad. I didn't eat before heading up (nauseates me if I do), took an ibuprofen, had my sister with me and we went slow and started at daylight. Also didn't go all the way to the saddle, just over the ridge a ways. That arrow on the rock is where we ended.

  3. It occurred to me after we were a ways back down that I should have painted an arrow on the other side of that rock too so when people come back down the mountain they can find the trail. But I couldn't go back. Going down really kills my knees.

  4. I don't know why going down is so much worse than going up. Seems like a person's weight is the same, either way, but no......

  5. I know. It's scary trying to step down and put weight on a knee that you know isn't up to the task.
