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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Courtyard photo

It was cool this morning and rainy in the afternoon. Good thing I only had birders in the morning. Next week I have some afternoon groups coming. It wouldn't surprise me if it rains again. I spent the lovely morning digging weeds out of my walkways. Even though it's a hopeless endeavor, whatever I get done is better than none.

I kind of like these tiny greenish flowers but I don't know what they are.


heidi said...

Is your flower a false ground cherry?

Glad your eye is on the mend!

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

I believe you ID'd it, Heidi. Thanks. Yes, one never appreciates that their eyes don't hurt until they have eye pain for a couple of days. Now it's so wonderful just not to have the pain in my eye. I have never had eye pain before this procedure (my 5th eye procedure) so it caught me by surprise. Got pretty scary.

Anonymous said...

I sympathize and glad to know the eye is better already! Too much beauty around us to see to have vision problems. I will be having a Capsulotomy pretty soon and "hope" that fixes my worthless eye.


Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

I looked up capsulotomy. I guess that's the new version of cataract surgery. I had that in November but was left with such bad vision that they did some sculpting on the cornea with lasik. I have better vision tonight than I did before the procedure but hoping once they remove the contact lens and everything heals I'll have perfect vision in that eye. The other eye is close enough to perfect that I'm happy with it. I'll always need reading glasses unless some new technology develops. Let me know how your procedure goes.

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

I meant I had cataract surgery in November. I don't know if it was capsulotomy. Never heard that term before.

Anonymous said...

I will find out tomorrow when my appointment will be. The Capsulotomy removes scar tissue after cataract surgery that some people get (up to 40%). Pretty common I found out. Grows and obstructs vision as bad or worse than the original cataract. Outpatient surgery with laser that only takes a few minutes to perform. I had no idea about that happening and was pretty discouraged with the worse vision than before. Had exam by the ophthalmologist and confirmed so will try getting good vision in that eye again. Will let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

I was interested by the pictures, and they made me think that this would be about nature, and I love nature. But, things changed right from when you introduced the topic and I must say, it was a nice twist for a change as you let people to know what’s happening in your life a bit more. It is always good to let things flow sometimes, and this might just be the reason some of us will always be coming back for more.

Lucius Calhoun @ Bolton Vision Centre

Carolyn Ohl-Johnson said...

Thank you, Lucius. It's really hard to know where to draw the line on subject matter so I do just let things flow a lot.